A few photographs mainly of flower front views to illustrate the difficulties. Species covered are:-
Common Dog Violet ( V. riviniana)
Early Dog Violet ( V. reichenbachiana)
Heath Dog Violet ( V. canina)
Common Dog Violet ( V. riviniana) A classic example with typically wide upper petals. Photographed in Hardwick Wood, Cambs on 2nd May 2016. The veins on the lower petal are clear right to their tips and extend about half way down the petal. The white throat has the slightly darker purple band at its edge.
The wide upper petals can often be used to separate Common from Early DogViolet which typically has 'Rabbit Ears' that is narrow upper petals.
Next an example of a Common Dog Violet with atypical narrow upper petals.
Are these narrow petal versions in fact hybrids?
(Update:- Recent research from Europe shows hybrids between Common and Early Dog Violets do not occur, except very rarely. A separate blog covers this see Violets label section) In Britain it is probably very rare and over recorded. Hybrids occur with other species of Dog violets like Heath Dog Violet.)
If all narrow upper petal variants consistently had other features which were towards the Early Dog Violet set, this might be believable but the example below shows a flower with quite narrow flowers but classic veins consistent with Common Dog Violet. Taken 5th May 2013, Oxwich Wood, Gower.
The photo right has been selected as the veins are very long reaching beyond 75% of petal length. It is another Common Dog Violet photographed on 5th May 2013 , Gower, South Wales. The flower has the wide upper petals and a really strong clear and forked vein pattern. This flower has quite small sepal appendages , about 1mm in length (slightly less than the stem thickness) and a almost white spur tinged with the slightest hint of purple.
Next photo is Early Dog Violet ( V. reichenbachiana) which can often grow alongside Common Dog Violet, as in Hardwick Wood where this photo was taken. To date, all violets found at this site have been a distinct species and without any obvious hybrids but I will look again next season.
The dark purple spur can be seen behind the upper petals as the first indication that this is a Early Dog Violet ( however some Common Dog Violet can also have dark purple spurs which is not often mentioned in the field guides). There are only five veins and the tips are not clearly defined tending to blur out in the dark purple terminal band. This is typical of most Early Dog Violets. The upper petals are quite narrow but many have even narrower petals.
Second photo of a Early Dog Violet was taken in Eversden Wood, Cambs on 31st May 2014. I have added a side view showing the long dark spur, pointed sepals and sepal appendages ( very small upper three, lower much longer showing another variable feature. Sepal appendages can be useful as an ID feature when large or small compared to stem thickness. They are often in between at about same as stem thickness ( 1-1.5mm ) so there is overlap in this ID feature.
The third photo of a Early Dog Violet was selected as it has veins which are forked and unusually are quite clear but still blurred at their tips. The number is still limited to three main veins and a couple of outer faint ones. Still more typical of Early than Common but only just.
The veins are quite short extending only a third of petal length. This and the limited number of major veins plus the lack of forking does seem to be a consistent difference between the species. You can just see the dark purple spur behind the upper petals in this photo. The number of veins is yet another variable, Early Dog Violet generally has less but I suspect if you look at enough, some will not conform to a simple number count method of separation.
Very similar to the previous photo except veins are much longer, going approximately two thirds down the lower petal. A feature not outside the range of Common Dog Violet. There is no throat terminal purple band present. This photo was taken on 15th May 2015 on the South shore of Lough Allua in Co. Cork. It was regarded as a candidate for Heath Dog Violet ( V. canina) although Lough Allua is well known for hybrids between Common Dog, Heath Dog and the rare Pale Dog Violet.
The main problem with Heath Dog Violet is finding one in the first place. For example in Cambridgeshire it has not been seen at its last stronghold of Newmarket Heath for several years. It is now effectively no longer present and declining rapidly in many places. Lough Allua has its problems with Hybrids so a trip to the New Forrest was undertaken.
The final photo is a Pale Dog Violet ( V. lactea) taken on 16th May 2015 at Lough Allua, Cork.
I am looking forward to the BSBI handbook on Violets due out in early 2017 as I am sure it will be a great help with this difficult group. In addition the recent 'Hybrid Flora of the British Isles' covers hybrids and adds information from Europe which can be very different from Britain.
Peter Leonard, Rampton, Cambridgeshire
December 2016
Your photography is stunning. I would like permission to use your photos as reference for my botanical art colored pencil drawings. I love your work and attention to details.